Bay West UK Green Washrooms
Environmentally friendly range of workplace hand towel & toilet roll systems.
Environmentally friendly range of workplace hand towel & toilet roll systems.
Green Washrooms! Going green is no longer simply about using recycled products; it is tied into the ethics of corporate and social responsibilities. Being ‘green’ is about using products that create a healthy living and enhance the working environment. Through considered purchasing and concerted communications, going green can add significant value to the workplace experience.
What fibres make up your tissues and towels, are they from:
100% post-consumer waste?
Virgin fibres from sustainable waste?
Virgin fibres from unsustainable sources?
What chemicals are used in the production process?
Does the production facility meet EU emission guidelines?
Is the production facility energy efficient?
Is washroom waste minimised?
Are all products dispensed efficiently?
Can all corrugated packaging and post-consumer waste be recycled?
Green products consider all aspects of their production process including their origin, manufacture, usage, and waste disposal. Green products consider the energy efficiency of the manufacturing plants making them, the volume of natural resources used, the emissions created, and the packaging used to transport them. Being recycled is simply no longer enough.
Bay West have become the first UK ‘away from home’ brand to provide a range of certified, accredited environmentally preferred washroom & kitchen products. By attaining the EU Eco-label every part of the manufacturing process, from raw paper pulp to the finished product – was analysed to ensure it met stringent green guidelines. This means that Bay West products are officially ‘Green Washroom’ products.
Over a year, a busy washroom consumes a vast quantity of paper products. Whilst recycled paper products and improved dispenser designs have gone some way to creating a greener environment, this is still not enough for a washroom to be truly green.
Disposables UK holds the license to manufacture and sell, via a network of Distributors including Bay West UK & The EU Eco-label licence has been issued for the hand towels and toilet tissues that passed the Eco-label assessment.
Disposables UK, based in West Yorkshire, run a clean, modern manufacturing plant that have met the highest environmental standards.
The Eco-label considers the following in awarding the accreditation:
This has meant that Disposables UK has had to work with its paper mills and their pulp suppliers as the whole production process – from raw pulp material through to the finished product – had to meet the Eco-label criteria at every stage.
Following extensive auditing and chemical analysis, Disposables UK received the Eco-label for several Bay West products under license number UK/4/002 and became the first ‘away from home’ company in the UK to hold the ‘flower’ for tissue paper products.
Air emissions of sulphur and greenhouse gases during production
Water pollution during production
Emissions of chlorine compounds and organic waste
Energy consumption during production
Risk of human health
Environmental damage or risks relating to the use of hazardous chemicals.
Use of recycled fibres or virgin fibres from sustainably managed forests
Bay West Workplace Solutions
A reduction of discharge of toxic or otherwise polluting substances into waters
A reduction of environmental damage or risks related to the conversion and use of energy (global warming, acidification, depletion of non-renewable resources) by reducing energy consumption and related air emissions.
The commitment to the need to apply good management principles in order to safeguard forests.
The reduction of risks for human health, environmental damage or risks related to the use of hazardous chemicals.
The minimisation and efficient use of waste